
"Lofoten and North Cape"

Panoramica del viaggio

0.00 chilometri tracciati
0 ore e 0 minuti
0 momenti
25 giudizi
6 commenti
Resoconto del viaggio


  • Very, very, very nice!

    2017-01-31 20:52:11 da Michel van Hagen (MRA-Founder)
  • Thank you

    2017-01-31 20:56:11 da tshansen
  • Very, very nice. But allways I do see trips to the Nordkapp with wet roads and rain. I hope you still had a few sunny days.

    2017-02-01 06:32:16 da Resler Hans-Jürg
  • Un gran viaje que espero poder realizar pronto, tomo nota de tus rutas (A great trip that I hope to be able to realize soon, I take note of your routes)

    2017-02-01 10:34:18 da Buho
  • Awesome!

    2017-02-01 11:25:18 da Vegar Eggan
  • Det ble noen mil det der .-

    2017-02-01 15:46:51 da Arne kvase